(post written on Sunday, will be listed on Tuesday - will anything have changed in the meantime?)
Seriously!? Almost THREE weeks of these things!
They are everywhere!
And I can't get rid of them fast enough. I have cleaned and scoured everything; been evil with my son for not putting dishes away properly and keeping food out of our living room (we have to eat in our living room - it's how our apartment is set up - the trouble is the boy-mess and "forgetting" to bring the dishes back into the kitchen.
As I estimate I have killed (slaughtered!?) over 500 in the last 5 days alone, I start to wonder - is this the Christian thing to do? Kill God's *innocent* creatures.
And then one flies into my face again, or there are about 75 covering the microwave door and I think, "They're not innocent!"
And THEN I think, "But only human beings have the capability of being innocent or guilty as we have reason and a free will."
But that only leads me back to, "Is it right to kill these creatures who are only following the laws that God gave them?"
Don't get me wrong - I would rather play the Pied Piper and lead them out (without the drowning part at the end), but I tried that and failed.
So they get the apple cider vinegar version of the Pied Piper, with drowning.
I so have other things to do! And I am contemplating the morality of killing fruit flies....
[caption id="attachment_901" align="aligncenter" width="169" caption="Fresh cup of vinegar cocktail (apple cider vinegar with a drop of dish-soap)"]
[caption id="attachment_913" align="aligncenter" width="219" caption="24 hours worth of fruit flies. Hardly makes a dent. And that's a 3/4 inch deep pile. SIGH. "]
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