[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="359" caption="Crocheted Rosary on our Lent prayer table from 2 years ago (and last year)"]
And I intended to write about some of our devotionals this year. 10 months have quickly come to a close and this past month has been worse than any of the previous months - even morehan writing about them - DOING them.
For those of you following me online, respectfully or otherwise, you will notice there have been several blog posts - almost all of these were scheduled well in advance of their publication date. This one I write today and have re-scheduled today's for sometime next month.
In September, I spent 2 weeks prepping for a semi-last minute trip I didn't know for sure I was signed up for and thought it was a month later than it was. Garden of Francis orders were already tight, what with shipping delays, shipping damage, missing e-mails. My son's homeschooling was behind; I hadn't (and still haven't started our co-op this year yet. I spent so much pulling together childcare details and figuring out where the money was going to come from (they charged me more than I was anticipating). Then gone for a week - a WONDERFUL week mind you, but the stress before and after... well. I won't complain. Just state the facts.
I spent the last 2 days of that week with an extreme sore throat - not strep (thank goodness), but nasty nonetheless. It tasted like something rotting in my mouth most of the time.
By the time I drove the 8 hours home and reunited with my son, I was whipped. Over the course of the last month, I, who never get sick except for the monthly stuff, have been laid low with what feels like everything. (feels like it, not really everything). And the only meds I could take for anything had high fructose corn syrup in them (a poison to my body) - taking away one symptom and giving me 10 others.
I have had the fortunate blessing of particular friends to be of fantastic assistance, taking over areas that I have been weak in. I have been blessed to not have had to miss an atrium session yet this month - yay! But that is all I have been consistent with.
And as October draws to a close, I realize that our spiritual lives this month, if not for atrium, are just BLECK. My son asks to pray the rosary and I am falling asleep before the end of the introductory prayers... We sit down to read the Bible together and I am sick to my stomach and head and have to lay down.
I appreciate everyone 's prayers through this ordeal and I look forward to things looking up for a while. Please keep the prayers coming!
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