Legoboy has been fascinated with the Bible his entire life. Yay!
At age 8, he began an in-depth study of the Book of Revelation. And he's getting it! He has many questions and I started again on a search for an appropriate resource to use with one little boy at home.... Which only led to frustration.
We're Catholic! Why should we be frustrated looking for a Bible study at an adolescent level? Protestants have this covered!
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First, how did we - as a family - get to this point?
- We have only ever read from the full Bible. No little-kid version, though I had a few on-hand from pre-motherhood days when I thought they were a good idea - cartoony images; snippets of stories with little to no cohesion between them. I had CGS level 1 formation when Legoboy was not quite 1, and I'd already been reading from the full Bible aloud when he was in the womb. He knew the Word of God.
- He has been in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd atrium at home, at parishes and in schools since he was 1; the Bible holds a place of reverence - equal to that of the Liturgy. Also see Seeking the Plan of God.
- We attend Easter Vigil, Midnight Mass and other long celebrations - since infancy. I missed Easter Vigil the evening my son was born - since then, both he and I have held dear this greatest of liturgical celebrations when Salvation History is proclaimed in beautiful chant and prayer and song.
- Before age 6, based on Montessori principles and observation of all children around me, we laid a strong foundation of reality. Throughout this time, we read from the Bible, lived out the liturgy, celebrated the liturgical year at home - and emphasized the TRUTH in it all. Thus when he did begin to read truly fictional (fantasy) stories at 4 3/4 (much sooner than he really should have), he GOT it. He knew what was truth and what was a really cool imagining.
- As a boy, he loves battles! As a Catholic, CGS, Montessori, truly thinking child, he has always loved symbolism, figuring out who Aslan represents before he turned 5.
- One summer, we did an introductory study of the book of Psalms (using a resource from a Mennonite company (706 is their Book of Psalms), because it was solid in its theology, corresponded with Catholic teaching and all other Psalms studies available from a Catholic stance were either low-quality, cheesy (his word!), far too academic for a then 6-year-old boy, or far too expensive for his mother). That study prompted a deeper study of the entire book of Psalms; from there he has delved into various books and for 2 years now has been latched onto Revelations. We also have their study on the Book of Proverbs (807), but we've not yet done it because there has yet to be a natural lull in our rabbit-trail study of the Bible ;)
And how did we - as a church - get to this point? Where Bible study resources are of questionable quality, boring, over-priced, inappropriate matches for the intended audience, or are of questionable theology? Where most Catholics don't even know what the Church teaches about Creation?
- Historically, Catholics were taught from the Bible, but because Bibles were few and far between, being hand-copied over the process of MANY long months, the people may not have realized that what they were learning at Church was truly from the Bible.
- The Protestant Reformation, around the time of the printing press, when Bibles were more readily available to the populace, twisted the truth and made people believe that Catholics had never really learned from the Bible.
- Individual interpretations sprang up (which is allowable by the Catholic Church, within the framework of the few interpretations we know to be 100% solid. All of which led to further break-down.
- Centuries pass. Mis-information is spread. Long story here.
- Then we reach my generation and the one before - we had the worst Catechism in the history of the Church. Some days I am astounded there are devout Catholics remaining at all!
- Finally, we have people putting together authentic Catholic studies, but for particular audiences - adults, faith formation groups (who can ostensibly afford $200-$300 for one study), some (very few) for children. And those ones for children - are cheap, leave out far too much, and do not trust the spiritual depth of the child's baptismal pre-age-of-reason soul. Seriously, folks who make these Bible studies! If Protestant children can handle the Bible, so can OURS! Especially can ours!
As Legoboy and I started a year-long reading of the entire Bible this year, we'd read a passage and wonder "what does the Church teach about this passage, if anything?" I have a degree in Catholic Theology; I know that most of the Bible is open to interpretation, but I do know the Church has provided a good amount of guidance in this area and there are a few passages with a very specific interpretation, known as Dogma, that to be a Catholic one must profess as faith.
And yet, I am struggling to find appropriate and affordable resources, without spending hours of my time researching for one passage.
My son is a homeschooled boy with no siblings - he just wants to LOVE and LEARN and SOAK UP the Bible.
What does this have to be SO HARD in the days of Google!
And yet, there are indeed a plethora of new and perhaps good resources. Let's explore what I have found of late; I've put off the final decision, but now I have sort of invited another boy and his family to join us, so I guess it's time to make a decision whether they join us or not. Summer is just about there after all.
Here are the resources we have found specifically for the Book of Revelation with their prices where appropriate - I have only listed the ones I would consider as they are a few more that are not even a consideration:
- New Testament Study Bibles: For his birthday, a dear family friend purchases two New Testament resources for Legoboy. Not specifically Revelation, but still useful. Very useful.
- T3 Revelation: The Lion and the Lamb - 64.95 (DVDs) or 49.95 (CDs) - each set includes one student workbook and one leader guide - for 4 30-minute lessons it seems pricey, but solid. How deep does it go in less than 2 hours?
- The End - A Study on the Book of Revelation - Dr. Scott Hahn - 66.95 (14.95 without the CDs, just the study guide) - seems good, but perhaps too adult/scholarly?
- Ignatius Catholic Study Bible - Letters to St. John & Revelation to St. John - available individually for 11.95 or as part of the complete New Testament study: Ignatius Catholic Study Bible (part of the photo in the first link of this list - price ranges on format 24.95-44.95) -- this one is almost ideal - the full book does not contain the described study questions that are in the individual books (UPDATED!) This link will take you to a .zip file of the study questions for each of the individuals - it is a free file I got from the Ignatius website itself.
- Coming Soon - Unlocking the Book of Revelation - 15.95 - could this be THE one!? It is verse-by-verse (perfect for our CGS style meditations on the Scriptures), connects with the Mass, study questions for each chapter, but the description doesn't seem to emphasize the connections with the Old Testament; although it does seem to emphasize not only Revelation in the present moment of our lives, but also looking forward to the Parousia. The one review it has right now says it DOES indeed cover typology, emphasizing the necessity of knowing the Old Testament to understand the New.... So just maybe....
- Come and See - Ezekiel, Hebrews, Revelation - Catholic Bible Study for Adults - 19.95 - This series also has children's work with which I have experience. I find the children's work to be superfluous and relatively silly. Having worked with very young children in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd atrium, just shows me how deep children's souls are! My 4 year old had NO interest in these; and at age 9 says "no" to even sampling them. Anyway, it has me wondering about the adult version - if it's deep enough, then perhaps it would be appropriate for my 9 year old? It certainly intends to connect the Old and New Testaments, which is a bonus with our CGS work on typology.
- Unveiling the Apocalypse - the End Times According to the Bible - from Catholic Courses - 50-70 depending on place of purchase -- this one seems to directly address some of the most pertinent practical (apologetic) questions we have.
- Free Online Resource - if not very pretty, it seems to have good information.
- Adventures in Revelation 10 Week Bible Study - 179.95 - seems to be specifically for adults and is likely more scholarly than what we need. I am open to reviews, but the price is SO steep.
- The Book of Revelation - Catholic Scripture Studies International - 129.95
Any others you know of??
By the by, the Mennonite studies on Psalms and Proverbs? $3.30 each. Mm-hm. Accessible, rich, and affordable.
Compared to With Psalms: The School of Prayer at 24.95 just for the study guide (89.95 or 179.95 for CDs or DVDs). Perhaps more intense, but the 3.30 workbook provided us with a year's worth of follow-up work that was quite intense by itself!
I am a Catholic husband/father/grandfather with a life-long love of all things biblical. I also have formal training in the biblical languages, so, if you still need info on the Hebrew/Greek/Latin words for "angel" (as posted on your "KIC/Montessori" page), just let me know.
ReplyDeleteI am writing/have written books/articles on various Catholic subjects for various audiences -- children (The Christmas Story/The Mass--both illustrated); CCD students/teachers (7 Gifts/Holy Spirit--poems/articles/handouts); and adults (novel on St. Luke). If interested (for marketing/distribution purposes), please contact me at either or 609-818-9309.
BTW, do you know of any play-set based on biblical scenarios (e.g., Holy Family's home at Nazareth; Jerusalem in Time of Christ; Battle of Jericho; etc.) similar to the Lego Medieval Market Village? If not, I am very interested in developing such a line of products.
F.X. Blisard
Hopewell, New Jersey