Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Montessori Great Lessons

Dr. Maria Montessori was a devout Catholic and while she wrote her stories in a time when evolution was the cutting edge scientific discovery and a theory with growing evidence, she did also write with a deep abiding Faith.

There are those of us who prefer to hear the stories from a properly cosmic world view, for any or a combination of many reasons.

To that end, I have adapted the stories with the following criteria in mind: the promotion of full Truth while still utilizing the children's intense imaginations at this second plane of development (age 6-12), allowing God to be seen as the prime mover that He is, cutting out the concept of time to allow for the great unknown of how God did all the great work He did before placing us upon the earth, and others. My formation as a Catechesis of the Good Shepherd catechist at all three levels and my experiences in the atrium with children and adults of all ages, as well as my experiences in the public and private school sectors are all contributing factors towards the choices I have made.

Some of you will notice that specific changes include the lack of reference to the length of time of pre-historical events as well as the lack of explicit references to evolution. I do not wish to debate the reasons for this changes on this blog. They are simply the changes I have chosen to make, among others. You are always free to use whatever version you prefer :)

Please leave comments or e-mail me privately with any feedback or *respectful* disagreements, along with suggestions. The remaining Great Lessons are still in progress. At some point, I will post them as they are and get everyone else's insight.

In the meantime, I have not been able to upload the charts for the Story. I will upload these as soon as I get pictures taken of my own charts.
God bless!

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