Monday, April 12, 2010

Divine Mercy for Young Hearts

This DVD is an excellent introduction the Divine Mercy devotion for children and adults of all ages. Overall the presentation is geared for elementary age and with limited exception (noted below), it is entirely appropriate for children even down to age 3. The videography provides a great deal of input without feeling overwhelming or overstimulating. There is some light music, images of the Stations of the Cross, the Shroud of Turin and other visual images, as well as video of the children receiving the presentation.

The main menu offers the options of watching the entire video (57 minutes) or watching in segments. For the youngest children and for anyone new to this devotion (whether in a school, religious education or the home), the segments are best done at separate times with prayer, and review discussion in between to maximize what a child will take away from the presentations at hand.

The video starts out with a brief introduction to the Holy Father (JPII - having been initially presented shortly after his death), dating it a bit, but places emphasis on the reality of the events surrounding this devotion, placing it in a physical place and time.

Because it covers a wide range of children's ages, some topics are meant for older children (some trivia-type information and apologetics that are not necessary for the very young child). Geared for children, there are moments that are most appropriate for adults. While the speaker states the difference between children and adults beforehand, it was disconcerting to hear the specific sins listed in a presentation to children who are still in a state of innocence and hope. Other than this slightly awkward moment, anything directed to the adults was appropriately done for the children. And the items directed towards the older children slip by the younger children.

The main menu offers the options of watching the entire video (57 minutes) or watching in segments. For the youngest children and for anyone new to this devotion, the segments are best done at separate times with prayer, and review discussion in between.

The additional features contain information on the ministries involved, for the edification of the adults.

Overall, this is an excellent video with the caveats mentioned above.

I wrote this review of Divine Mercy For Young Hearts for the Tiber River Blogger Review program, created by Aquinas and More Catholic Goods, your source for First Communion Gifts. For more information and to purchase, please visit Aquinas and More Catholic Goods.

Tiber River is the first Catholic book review site, started in 2000 to help you make informed decisions about Catholic book purchases.

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1 comment:

  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by StBlogs. StBlogs said: Divine Mercy for Young Hearts: This DVD is an excellent introduction the Divine Mercy devotion for children and ad... [...]
