Sunday, January 1, 2012

Elementary Montessori Geometry Nomenclature Contents

Geometry is a popular topic of late on several groups of which I am part - both Montessori and non-Montessori.

At primary, we give the children the names of the shapes (plane and solid), and we give some basic parts such as parts of a triangle, so they become familiar with angles and such.

In elementary, we go much deeper with it because the child has had a lot of experience, has the vocabulary, and now wants to know definitions and origins - and connections between all things.


I thought I would share the "table of contents", if you will, for the elementary nomenclature material as I have them in my Montessori albums. Different sets are available, which are also great for use; this is just what I have :)

Each letter/number is a booklet, with a packet of 4-part cards (name, definition, picture (use the booklet as control))

The title is listed follow by (the contents in parentheses)


A1: Point to a Solid (point, line, solid, surface)


B - Lines

B1: Types of Lines (straight, curved)

B2: Parts of a straight line (origin, line segment, ray, end points, line)

B3:  Positions of a straight line (horizontal straight line, vertical straight line, oblique straight line)

B4: Position of 2 straight lines (convergent straight lines, perpendicular straight lines, parallel straight lines, divergent straight lines)


C -Angles

C1: Angle and its parts (angle, size, sides, vertex)

C2: Types of Angles (obtuse, right, straight, acute, whole)

C3: Relationship between 2 angles (adjacent, vertically opposite, linear pair)

C4: 2 Particular Combination of angles (complementary, supplementary)

C5: Angles formed by 2 straight lines cut by a transversal (exterior, interior, alternate interior, alternate exterior, corresponding)


D - Plane Figures

D1: Types of Plane Figures (polygon, simple, closed, curved)

D2: Plane figures bounded by line segments (triangle, polygon, quadrilateral)

D3: Plane figures bounded by curved lines (ellipse, oval, circle)


E - Triangles

E1: Types of triangles according to sides (isosceles, scalene, equilateral)

E2: Types of triangles according to angles (acute-angle, obtuse-angle, right-angle)

E3: Parts of triangles (surface, sides, base, perimeter, vertex, altitude, angle)

E4: Sides of right angled triangles (hypotenuse, legs)


F - Quadrilaterals

F1: Types of Quadrilaterals (parallelogram, rectangle, trapezoid, rhombus, square, common quadrilateral)

F2: Parts of the basic parallelogram (surface, sides, base, perimeter, vertices, altitude, angle, diagonal)

F3: Parts of the rectangle (base, diagonal, sides, vertices, surface, altitude, angle, perimeter)

F4: Parts of the rhombus (diagonal, angle, altitude, vertices, perimeter, base, sides, surface)

F5: Parts of the square (diagonal, angle, altitude, vertices, perimeter, base, sides, surface)

F6: Parts of the trapezoid (vertices, perimeter, angle, oblique sides, surface, bases, major base, minor base, altitude, diagonal)

F7: Types of trapezoids (scalene trapezoid, right-angled trapezoid, isosceles trapezoid)


G - Polygons

G1: Types of polygons (irregular, regular)

G2: Types of regular polygons (equilateral, square, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, nonagon, decagon)

G3: Parts of the polygon (surface, sides, perimeter, vertices, angle, diagonal, center, radius, apothem)


H - Circles

H1a: Parts of a circle I (radius, diameter, chord, surface, center, circumference)

H1b: Parts of a circle II (semi-circle, semi-circumference, arc segment, sector)

H2: Relative positions between circumference and a straight line (external, secant, tangent)

H3: Relative positions between 2 circles (external, internal, externally tangent, internally tangent, secant, concentric)

(I have also seen annulus included here - but question if it belongs here - it is more likely to belong in a booklet discussing the parts of two circles in position with one another)

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