Thursday, May 10, 2012

"Childhood Before TV"

So my son and are in the car one evening, driving to tae-kwon-do.

Somehow we started talking about my early childhood and I mentioned not watching tv.

He says to me in an incredulous voice, "What did you DO all day!?"

I proceeded to tell him some of the things I remember doing: building with blocks and other materials, playing grandma's organ, reading lots of good books, creating drawings, playing in the sandbox.... then I said, "WAIT a minute! All the things that YOU do all day!"

Why on earth did my son ask me that question, in THAT tone of voice!? He doesn't watch tv all day either! We don't have a tv signal! We watch a movie once a week, if that; and we do have a couple of DVDs for things like art instruction or other educational videos (all things Ancient Egypt, anyone!?), but we're talking less than 5 hours screen time a week. And these things are on the computer - not the tv. We do have videos for use on the tv we do own; which is used about once every 3 months. Maybe.

And he asks me what I did in my childhood without tv!?

Well, he got a good laugh out of tricking me into thinking he was thinking something he wasn't!

The little jokester.

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