Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Modest Boys Clothing ?????

Who ever heard of such a thing? Aren't boys' clothes usually modest and just not something to worry about???


Actually, boys' clothing can be and is fairly immodest. When it is too tight; when it is paid advertising for some company, whether characters or a clothing company; when it is so loose that unnecessary skin is shown; when (ahem) waists of pants hang somewhere mid-thigh (when WILL that fashion go away????? the kids of the kids who were wearing pants like that when I was a kid are doing it now and thinking they thought of something thoughtless from the thoughts of another generation!).

Anyone who could follow that last comment of mine is welcome to a 5% coupon off of total purchase - even modest boys' clothing! at Garden of Francis

Boys clothing is specifically here: Boys Clothing

Actually, our product line is ever-expanding, faster than I can even post photos, but the MIA are coming soon ;)

Our boys' line will also include solid color socks (white for everyday and black for dressy) and items for cooler weather. All items available now are for warmer weather, sun protection and modesty. We're considering a few other garments and will post as we decide.

Our ladies' line is soon to be adding modest scrub tops and long skirts (modest scrub skirts) for medical assistants and nurses.
And a separate area for female underclothing, including feminine products.

Our diaper line is adding a set of contour diapers that can be used stand-alone with pins or other fasteners - or can be covered with a cover of some sort. We are also tweaking the training pants pattern before posting it as available - training pants for young children with snaps on the sides for those *messy* accidents. Reusable pull-ups! What could be better?

As always, homeschool Montessori materials are in the works. We'll take **special requests** for anything that someone needs in the near future. Current turn-around time on Montessori materials is less than a week. And the person who requests the Montessori (or other homeschool) material receives a coupon for 75% off that product.

Last but not least is our homemaking section. We have aprons for children, an upcoming fasting cookbook (pre-orders being taken now!), cotton and mesh produce bags, and pure soap.

Gift Certificates are always available too! (no discounts on these, but you can use them to buy discounted items!)

So what is that code? It will work one time per customer: stblogmodest5

Happy Shopping!

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